Hola amigos aquí estoy para contaros mi visión particular de Rally Cataluña 09
Este año como los cinco anteriores se impuso Loeb ¡peeeero! en esta ocasión Dani Sordo lidero la ronda española y el propio Loeb reconoció que le estaba costando seguir a Dani, por desgracia Sebastien se estaba jugando el mundial con Hirvonen , el cual lideraba el mundial hasta ese momento con cinco puntitos de ventaja que se vieron reducidos a uno al final del Rally. Quesnel le dio un toque a Dani y este obedeció, no sin dejar en evidencia a su jefe y dejando claro que iba a por todas dando un frenazo antes de entrar a meta y perder tiempo en un tramo en el que había marcado los mejores Splits intermedios.
Citroen se proclamo campeona de constructores.
El JWRC concluía en la prueba española siendo el triunfo para el holandés Hans Weijs con un Citroen C2 seguido del italiano Simone Bertolotti con un Suzuki Swift. El español Jordi Martí con un Renault Clio fue tercero y me sorprendió gratamente pues no conocía a este espectacular piloto. El Campeón del Mundo de esta categoría, el checo Martin Prokop con Citroen C2, se retiró en la segunda etapa tras tener una salida del tramo y dañar su C2.
Y el grupo N fue a para a manos del piloto Noruego Eyvind Brynildsen.
Bueno, pues otro año mas nos alojamos en el Daurada Palace que por unos 350 %80 la pareja pasamos una semana completa con desayuno y cena buffet incluidos, y de paso con un jacuzzi para recuperarte después de un dia en los tramos.
Este año aparte de pasarlo muy bien en el rally, Port Aventura , en el Rally Slot que monta Ninco. Tengo una anécdota que nunca podré olvidar.
Este era el segundo año que yo le hacia a Dani Sordo unas maquetas de sus coches. Y claro tenia que localizarlo para poder darle el regalo. Como no había manera de acercarse a el, busque a Daniel Sordo padre , al cual me une una gran amistad, cuando vio las cinco maquetas que le lleve se emociono y me dijo que fuese a las 8 de la tarde a la parte de atrás del podium, que desde allí iríamos juntos a dárselas a Dani. Pues cual fue mi sorpresa cuando me dio unos pases VIP para mi y para el coche, y me dijo que fuese con el a la carpa de Citroen. Allí estaban Dani , Loeb , Solberg , Ogier , Rautenbach y Novikov. Se fueron pasando los cochecitos y mirándolos , comentando los modelos y los detalles. Cuando llegaron a la altura de Novikov este le pregunto a Dani, en ingles , que si yo podría hacerle las maquetas de sus coches , el me lo tradujo y yo inocentemente y con los nervios solté " con todos los coches que a estrellado , me seria imposible hacerselos todos" , Dani lo tradujo al ingles y todos los pilotos se echaron unas risas, menos Novikov que se puso rojo como un tomate ........
El resto del Rally fue una pasada con el pase VIP. pudiendo aparcar en los tramos "siempre en zonas habilitadas" y sobre todo en el Service Park, que aparcábamos detrás de los camiones de Citroen.
En fin una pasda e Rally que hubo que rematar como siempre , echando las correspondientes carrerita en los Karts , corriendo el Rally Slot Ninco y por supuesto cenando en el restaurante "El Toro".
Espero que os haya gustado y que esperéis la siguiente crónica.
Un saludo amigos.
Hello friends I'm here to tell you my particular view of Rally Catalunya 09
This year won the previous five Loeb. but! Dani Sordo this time led the Spanish race and Loeb himself acknowledged that he was struggling to follow Dani, unfortunately Sebastien was playing the World Cup with Hirvonen, who led the world so far with five dots were reduced advantage one at the end of Rally. Quesnel gave a hint of Dani and this was due, not without evidence to your boss and making it clear that he would give all to a halt before entering the goal and wasting time on a leg that had marked the best intermediate Splits .
Citroen also claimed the constructors' champion.
The JWRC concluded in the Spanish being the win for the Dutch Hans Weijs with EBN Citroen C2 followed by Italian Simone Bertolotti with a Suzuki Swift. Jordi Martí in Spanish with a Renault Clio was third and. I was pleasantly surprised because I did not know this amazing pilot. World Champion in this category, Czech Martin Prokop Citroen C2 EBN, retired in the second stage after having an output of the stretch and damage your C2.
And the group N it went into the hands of the Norwegian pilot Eyvind Brynildsen.
Well, another year we stayed at the Dorada Palace, around 350% 80 the couple spent a full week with breakfast and dinner buffet included, and in step with a jacuzzi to recover after a day on the stages.
This year in addition to have a great time at the rally, Port Aventura, the riding Ninco Slot Rally. I have an anecdote that I can never forget.
This was the second year that I did to Dani Sordo some models of their cars. And of course I had to locate in order to give the gift. As there was no way to approach it, look for Daniel Sordo father, whom I share a great friendship, when he saw the five models that will take you excited and told me to go at 8 pm at the back of podium, from there we would go together to give it to Dani. Then what was my surprise when I took a few VIP passes for me and the car and told me to go to the tent of Citroen. There were Dani, Loeb, Solberg, Ogier, Rautenbach and Novikov. They went past the strollers and watching them, commenting on the models and details. When they reached the height of the Novikov Dani asked, in English, if I could make models of their cars, and I translated it for me innocently and nerves let go "with all the cars that crashed, I would impossible to forward them all, "Daniel translated it into English and all the drivers drove a few laughs, less Novikov that turned red as a tomato ........
The rest of the Rally was a VIP pass with the pass. can park in the sections "always in designated areas" especially in the Park Service, which aparcábamos behind Citroen trucks.
Pasdar and finally a rally that had to finish as usual, throwing the little run for the Karts, racing Ninco Slot Rally and of course dining at the restaurant "El Toro."
I hope you have enjoyed and expect the next review.
Greetings friends.
This year won the previous five Loeb. but! Dani Sordo this time led the Spanish race and Loeb himself acknowledged that he was struggling to follow Dani, unfortunately Sebastien was playing the World Cup with Hirvonen, who led the world so far with five dots were reduced advantage one at the end of Rally. Quesnel gave a hint of Dani and this was due, not without evidence to your boss and making it clear that he would give all to a halt before entering the goal and wasting time on a leg that had marked the best intermediate Splits .
Citroen also claimed the constructors' champion.
The JWRC concluded in the Spanish being the win for the Dutch Hans Weijs with EBN Citroen C2 followed by Italian Simone Bertolotti with a Suzuki Swift. Jordi Martí in Spanish with a Renault Clio was third and. I was pleasantly surprised because I did not know this amazing pilot. World Champion in this category, Czech Martin Prokop Citroen C2 EBN, retired in the second stage after having an output of the stretch and damage your C2.
And the group N it went into the hands of the Norwegian pilot Eyvind Brynildsen.
Well, another year we stayed at the Dorada Palace, around 350% 80 the couple spent a full week with breakfast and dinner buffet included, and in step with a jacuzzi to recover after a day on the stages.
This year in addition to have a great time at the rally, Port Aventura, the riding Ninco Slot Rally. I have an anecdote that I can never forget.
This was the second year that I did to Dani Sordo some models of their cars. And of course I had to locate in order to give the gift. As there was no way to approach it, look for Daniel Sordo father, whom I share a great friendship, when he saw the five models that will take you excited and told me to go at 8 pm at the back of podium, from there we would go together to give it to Dani. Then what was my surprise when I took a few VIP passes for me and the car and told me to go to the tent of Citroen. There were Dani, Loeb, Solberg, Ogier, Rautenbach and Novikov. They went past the strollers and watching them, commenting on the models and details. When they reached the height of the Novikov Dani asked, in English, if I could make models of their cars, and I translated it for me innocently and nerves let go "with all the cars that crashed, I would impossible to forward them all, "Daniel translated it into English and all the drivers drove a few laughs, less Novikov that turned red as a tomato ........
The rest of the Rally was a VIP pass with the pass. can park in the sections "always in designated areas" especially in the Park Service, which aparcábamos behind Citroen trucks.
Pasdar and finally a rally that had to finish as usual, throwing the little run for the Karts, racing Ninco Slot Rally and of course dining at the restaurant "El Toro."
I hope you have enjoyed and expect the next review.
Greetings friends.
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